Elementor #8149

I need to have a “bashing” or a hard session – is a myth that needs to go in our industry Who would you recommend? I am in need of some serious deep tissue bashing on the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves! I have been in with one of your

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How Osteopathy Can Help Relieve Your Back Pain

Back pain is very common situation to deal with, that affects a great number of New Zealanders. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis. Whatever the cause, back pain can be a debilitating condition that can greatly affect

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LGBTQ+ healthcare osteopathy west auckland

High quality osteopathy and massage for the LGBTQIA+ community

Safe, respectful healthcare for everyone However you identify…..more than alright. At Top Notch Bodyworks, we are committed to addressing the unique concerns of the LGBTQIA+ community within Auckland, New Zealand. We are strong advocates for anyone within the LGBTQIA+ community being able to access quality healthcare services without discrimination and

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Cupping in your massage session at Top Notch

Have you tried our Fire and Traditional cupping. With fire cupping this ancient Chinese therapy involves placing heated cups on your skin to create suction, which can help to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Traditional cupping is similar. The benefits of fire and traditional cupping are numerous.

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what do osteopaths do

What can osteopaths do to help you recover from injuries?

If you’ve ever suffered from an injury or accident, you know how painful and debilitating it can be. Fortunately, there are many natural therapies that can help you recover and get back to your normal activities, and osteopathy is one of them. At Top Notch, our osteopaths use a hands-on

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serious shoulder pain

How can I tell if my shoulder pain is serious?

How can I tell if my shoulder pain is serious? Should I be worried about my shoulder pain?  Shoulder pain is definitely not a nice thing to have and it is one of the most common complaints we see (alongside back and knee pain).  Shoulder pain can happen due to

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How osteopath helps shoulder pain

How can osteopathy help with shoulder pain?

What can cause shoulder pain? Shoulder pain is a very common complaint we see every day. However, it is difficult to find out what is causing the issue because any pain felt in the shoulder will affect the joint as though the pain is coming from the joint.   The main

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